Friday, October 13, 2017

Health Benefits of Calamansi Juice Part 2

Skin Bleaching Agent

In Asia where people are obsessed with super fair skin, calamansi is a prized bleaching agent. Unlike other bleaching agents, calamansi extract is mild, natural and effective. Just apply the pure extract on the affected area. Calamansi extract is so mild, it can be used on the face and body without causing irritation. Apply the extracts twice per week and you’re bound to see results in as little as two weeks.

Prevents Tooth Decay

Drinking calamansi juice doesn’t just boost the body’s resistance to diseases, it also prevents oral problems. The vitamin C in calamansi juice prevents tooth decay, gingivitis, bleeding gums or loose teeth. It also eliminates plaque and removes teeth stains!

Banishes Body Odor

If you’re looking for an all-natural body odor eliminator and antiperspirant, we recommend using calamansi extract. Calamansi inhibits profuse perspiration. It contains powerful anti-bacterial compounds too. Bacteria mixed with sweat causes body odor.
You can use calamansi extract to banish body odor two ways. One is to squeeze a couple of calamansi fruits to your bathing water. The other is to rub halved calamansi directly on the area. Applying calamansi on targeted areas of the body should banish unwanted odors. Even better, rubbing calamansi extracts on the pits will whiten the area as well.

Eliminates Dandruff

Don’t let dandruff get you down. Eliminate flakes and persistent itchiness by rubbing halved calamansi fruit directly on the scalp. This will ease the itchiness, irritation and prevent dryness. What’s more, calamansi juice will also increase hair volume!

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